Automations can be used to customize job notifications even before you are on site with the client. You can remind your customer of the time and date of the appointment as well as which employee will be performing the work. Because the messages you send are fully customizable, this is also a great way to let your clients know what precautions you are taking to keep everyone safe.
To use Automations for job notifications, follow these steps.
Go to your notification settings from the web app and uncheck Remind customers 24 hours before a job. You’ll be replacing Breezeworks’ default job notifications with your custom message.
Click on Automations in the left menu bar and tap + New automation, then Edit message. Craft your message and remember to use merge tags to autofill job information.
Next, schedule your automation to go out 1 day before a job starts. This will have your automation send out 1 day before a job is scheduled. If you’d like it to go out earlier, you can choose the number of days before a scheduled job.
You can preview your automation by clicking the three dots next to the save button.
If you’re satisfied with the automation, tap to close the message and then hit the save button. Your message will be sent at the appropriate time. (All messages are sent out once daily at noon Pacific time.)
If you have any questions or could use a hand, don't hesitate to email us at