In the world of credit card processing, “PCI compliance” is a term that refers to the proper handling of customer credit cards. As a Breezeworks Payments user, the complicated details of maintaining PCI compliance are taken care of for you by Breezeworks and our payments partner Finix.
As part of this service, however, Finix requires that you affirm that you are taking proper care of your customers’ credit card information. Finix has set up an online form that you can use to do that. The process is easy and should only take about a minute.
Please follow the steps below.
- Log in to your Finix Dashboard
- At the bottom of the left column, choose “Company”
- Choose the “Compliance” subtab. Any required compliance forms will be displayed.
- Click the row for a compliance form not marked “Complete”
- Click "Unsigned PDF" and review the auto-generated form for accuracy
- Click the "Attest Compliance Form" button and enter your name and title to sign the form and submit
- After you submit, a "Signed PDF" link will appear where you can view and download your completed form.
Again, don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions. We're here to help if you need it!